ApeSwap Governance Round 5 🗳

Growth & Continuity Planning 📈

5 min readFeb 21, 2022

Governance Round introduces a single proposal, Prop 17, intended to help ApeSwap continuously grow by optimizing revenue utilization & putting some treasury funds to use.

A Quick Refresher On How it Works 🗳

ApeSwap Governance is a platform designed to give the community insight and input into the most impactful decisions concerning ApeSwap. To distribute voting power ApeSwap uses software to take a “snapshot” at a certain block. This snapshot dictates the voting power of each wallet, where 1 GNANA = 1 vote.

Here are some key points to remember about the governance process:

  • You can vote and review proposals at Vote.ApeSwap.Finance.
  • You MUST have your GNANA in your wallet during the “Snapshot Block” for you to utilize voting power with those GNANA. If the GNANA is not in your wallet during the Snapshot Block, you do not have voting power for that GNANA. NOTE: If you have staked any GNANA into pools at the time of the snapshot, those GNANA will not be counted as eligible towards votes during the round of governance.

The Governance Snapshot for Round V is set for the 24th of February at 22:00 UTC!

Proposal 17: ApeSwap Growth & Continuity Planning

ApeSwap’s Core Team is committed to the long-term health of the protocol, the decentralization of our operations, and the continued growth of the DAO. To continue driving ApeSwap in this direction, we are proposing to use funds accumulated in the ApeSwap Treasury and revenue from various service offerings as described below.

Treasury Funds Usage

ApeSwap is seeking community approval to utilize ApeSwap Treasury funds as follows over the subsequent six months once the proposal is passed.

Marketing — Up to $750,000

Cover the ApeSwap Core Marketing Team’s expansions and marketing initiatives including, but not limited to tools, paid media, analytics, agencies, graphics, design, videos, influencers, sponsorships, and human resources.

Human Resources — Up to $500,000

Ensure the continuity of ApeSwap by providing compensation to DAO contributors for marketing, business development, technical development, or community work.

Grant & Growth Program — Up to $250,000

Incentivize non-Core Team contributions to ApeSwap’s technology stack as per ApeSwap’s upcoming Growth & Grant Program. See this Github repo for example bounties we’d like to pay with this carve out.

Smart Contract Audits — Up to $150,000

Audits of new Solidity code through reputable auditors to ensure the highest degree of security and best practices as ApeSwap continues to innovate and build the DAO.

Infrastructure — Up to $150,000

Technical, human, and other resources necessary to maintain high-integrity and real-time data for ApeSwap’s suite of features.

Protocol Revenue Utilization

We are proposing to use revenue from ApeSwap’s various service offerings as follows.

BNB Chain DEX Revenue Breakdown

The BNB Chain DEX revenue would be utilized as follows:

Guaranteed 50% for BANANA Buyback and Burns

  • We will buy back BANANA and burn it with 50% of BNB DEX revenue, guaranteed

Up to 10% for Contributor Incentives

  • Earmark 10% of BNB DEX revenue to be utilized for incentivizing ApeSwap contributors. Including, but not limited to: Core Team Members, Administrators, third-party contributors, and contributing projects

Up to 10% for ApeSwap Operational Expenses

  • Carve out for ApeSwap day-to-day operational expenses such as marketing, tech subscriptions, tools, human resources, design, community engagement, etc.

Up to 10% for DEX Optimization

  • Engagements with world-class incentive distribution & tokenomics firms to build out custom machine learning models to maximize revenue for ApeSwap’s DEX

Minimum 20% stored in ApeSwap Treasury

  • With the considerations above, this would leave a minimum of 20% of ApeSwap’s BNB DEX revenue to be stored in the ApeSwap Treasury for future use

Polygon DEX Revenue Breakdown

The Polygon DEX revenue would be utilized as follows:

Guaranteed 50% for BANANA Buyback and Burns

  • We will buy back BANANA and burn it with 50% of Polygon DEX the revenue, guaranteed

Up to 10% for Contributor Incentives

  • Earmark 10% of Polygon DEX revenue to be utilized for incentivizing ApeSwap contributors. Including, but not limited to: Core Team Members, Administrators, third-party contributors, and contributing projects

Up to 10% for ApeSwap Operational Expenses

  • Carve out for ApeSwap day-to-day operational expenses such as marketing, tech subscriptions, tools, human resources, design, community engagement, etc.

Minimum 30% stored in ApeSwap Treasury

  • With the considerations above, this would leave a minimum of 30% of ApeSwap’s Polygon DEX revenue to be stored in the ApeSwap Treasury for future use

Other Revenue Utilization

NFT Revenue

100% of revenue generated from any NFT initiatives (e.g., aftermarket sales, new sales, etc.) will be utilized for ApeSwap’s operational expenses. This does not apply to the current 50/50 agreement that ApeSwap has with NFA auction proceeds and staking pools.

ApeSwap does not have the intent to officially endorse or create any new NFT projects at this time, but if that became the case, it would fall under this revenue structure.

SS-IAO Revenue

95% of revenue generated from Self-Serve IAO launches will be used for ApeSwap’s operational expenses. 5% will be utilized as commission to compensate business development associates for arranging SS-IAOs.

Vault Fee Revenue

100% of fees generated from ApeSwap’s vaults will be utilized for ApeSwap’s operational expenses.

Other Revenue

Any other revenue generated from ApeSwap’s Marketing or Business Development activities will be utilized for ApeSwap’s operational expenses.

Burning Vaults Revenue Allocation

Historically, ApeSwap passed a governance proposal to utilize 10% of DEX revenue in burning vaults for long-term burn BANANA mechanics. Unfortunately, due to many protocols with yield farms for Ape LPs sunsetting, ApeSwap was forced to deprecate our burning vaults. This proposal would give ApeSwap permission to use the accumulated fees originally intended for burning vaults for operational expenses.

Got Questions? ❤️

Check the Official Reddit Thread!




Written by ApeBond

ApeBond is a multichain bonding protocol offering an accessible, transparent, and secure experience for everyone. https://ape.bond/

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